Thursday, March 19, 2009

Here we go

Well is has come to my attention,that Emily Lowdenslager is going around,making me out to be the scumbag,and the bad guy.Leading everyone she comes in contact with,including people on myspace and God knows where else,the people she works with,and pretty much everyone else,who doesn't know the real story,that I duped her,got her pregnant,and left her high and dry.So,for those who like to know the TRUTH,here it is.

Also,what I am about to write,I have people (friends of HERS) that will back this up. I am alot of things,but a liar is not one of them.I am honest to a fault,and I swear on all that I know and love,that this is 100% truth.

The whole fiasco started in 1997,when my ex-fiancee and me were living with my friend Derek,and his wife Alexis.Emily worked at Wal-Mart with Alexis.Well,my ex wasn't happy living in Florida,(no big shock) and she went back to New York a few times,before leaving permantly in June of 98.
Well,when my ex left Derek's to go home,Alexis told me that Emily liked me,yadda yadda,she's a good girl,wont do me wrong,etc. etc.So I gave her a shot.Well,she was a good girl.Responsible,held a job,loved the shit out of me,didn't have to worry about her running around on me.It seemed all good.That was until I went to her parent's house,where she lived.
I walked into the house,nice place.Clean,orderly,nice little place.I went into Emily's room,and it was like walking into the Twilight Zone.Laundry piled to the celing,plates and cups with food and drink with mold growing,candy wrappers all over,it smelled,and I'm like wow,you gotta be shittin me.So I said something to her,and her EXACT WORDS were "Its my fucking room,I'll keep it the way I want,my parents can't make me clean it,and neither are you."I was like OK,well you like to live like that,obviously from your attitude,you have no interest in changing,so see you later,this isn't for me.I can't live like that.I don't mind a little disorder,but it's gotta be clean,at least,and of course,this wasn't all of it,but this was the proverbial "straw that broke the camel's back".See the end of the blog for some of the other reasons.
So I broke it off.Well she still wanted a physical relationship with me,so that continued,but I told her FLAT OUT,that that's all it was.I am a very blunt person,I say things so that there is no way to misunderstand what I say.I say exactly what I mean,and some people consider me rude,which I don't mean to be,but....anyways.Well,a week or so later,she comes to me and tells me she's pregnant.This is from before I broke up with her,cuz after I decided I didn't actually want to "be" with her,I was extra careful,to make sure I didn't get her pregnant.I tell her that I am in NO WAY interested in having a child with her,and told her to set up to go have an abortion.A week after that,she miscarries,problem solved.(and for the record,I don't know if she was REALLY pregnant,or if she was trying to get me to get back with her,I am going under the premise that she's telling the truth.)
Anyway,the saga continues.After the pregnancy scare is over,I tell her I'm done,cuz if she doesn't care if she gets pregnant,then I need to stay away.As I said,I don't want a kid with her.So I dropped her,and I stayed away from her.I didn't call her,I didn't ask about her when I saw mutual friends of ours,nothing.
A while after that,my ex comes back,for a while,and I didn't see Emily for almost 10 or so months.Well,my ex leaves again,and (oddly enough) Emily shows up at my house about 4 days later.Unannounced,and uninvited.I had a bit of a drinking problem,after my ex left,like 2/3 of a bottle of Everclear in an evening kind of problem.Well Emily shows up,hangs around bull-shitting,and I am not an asshole by nature,only after I'm given good reason to be.So,I am pleasant (she never actually did anything wrong to me),BS'd with her,what have you,and it's getting to be midnight,and I have to be at work at 6am,so I tell her that I have to get to bed,and she needs to go,or whatever.Well she starts in with "Oh,well I'm living back at my parent's house,I have a curfew,I'm going to be locked out,I'm gonna have to sleep in my car" yadda yadda.Again,I am a very good-hearted person by nature.
So,I tell her that she can stay the night,she can sleep on the couch.I gave her a pillow and blanket,I went and took a shower,had some dinner,went into my room,CLOSED THE DOOR,and went to sleep.Also,I sleep like I'm dead,normally,so with liquer in me,forget it,and as I said,my ex lived with me,so someone getting in bed with me in the night was normal anyways.
Take a wild guess who was in my bed when I woke up in the morning.
Well,she took me to work,and disappeared.
That part of the story,obviously,her friends werent there for,but I told that story,as it was just told to you,in front of Emily and her friends,and I asked her in front of them if I was lying,and she said no,so that they can verify.

Part II
I get a phone call about 11 months later from one of her roommates (Amy),saying that Emily was on her way back to Florida,and that she'd had a baby,and she (Amy) felt I should know.Hmmm.....
Well,turns out Emily had moved to Virginia,not too long after out romp,and had moved in with 4 people we mutually knew,and 1 person I didn't know.Jessica,and her sister Amy,Rich,and Brian,all of which I knew,and another Brian that I didn't know.Emily started sleeping with the Brian I knew a little over 2 months after we had been together (she already knew she was pregnant) and told him that she was pregnant by him.Which was fine until the baby was born,then everyone figured,either the baby was over 2 months premature,yet nothing was wrong with him,or Emily was lying.After being asked about it,guess what,the baby wasnt premature.
Ok,so she comes back to Florida,finds me,and was surprised to see that I was expecting her and the baby.Then she got mad that someone called me and told me what was up.So we left the baby with my family,and went out to discuss what should happen next.Again,I told her I was in no way wanting to be with her,baby or not,and also I was pissed off at her actions,conduct,and the way she handled the situation.I explained to her,that she screwed up,that she had NO BUSINESS doing what she did,including being at my house the night she got pregnant,and for having the baby (especially without telling me she was pregnant),and before anything is thought,she isn't against abortion,so that wasn't it,and those of you that are,I appreciate your opinion,and you are entitled to it,I disagree.Sometimes,it's better to not have the child.Like in this instance.So I tell her "Well,you screwed up big.You shouldn't have done this,you know you shouldn't have done this,so here's what I will do.I will do what I can,when I can.I DO NOT WANT THIS STATE INVOLVED IN MY LIFE.The people who run the state of Florida,are incompetant,white-trash retards,and EVERYONE who's life this state has got involved in,has ended in disaster.Don't take me to court for child support,I don't care what you have to do.Don't tell them who the father is.You did this.You knew my feelings on this,I told you I DID NOT want a child with you,and I did my part as best I could to not have a child with you.You did this anyway.You didn't need me when you found out you were pregnant,when you decided to have the baby,or when you decided to keep the baby,you don't need me now."
She told them who the father was.When I asked her why,she said "Oh,I didn't want to look like a whore in front of everybody."Well...then you shouldn't have acted like one,stupid.Long story short (on this anyway) the state got involved,and my life was destroyed.I wasn't totally innocent,but the shit I got into here,could only have happened here.The 2 bits of trouble I got into,1 would have been laughed out of court in NY,and the other wouldn't have even made it to court,because the "evidence" they had against me here,wasn't even enough to arrest me in NY.
Aside from the accident that almost killed me,because this asshole state doesn't know when it's time to take old people's driver's licenses from them.So she didn't do what I asked,so now I wont do shit for her,and the only time she gets anything from me is when they're going to throw me in jail if I don't.
So,my clean record is gone,I have permenant disabilities,yet don't qualify for disability,and my life is shit,because this moron was too stupid to do the right thing.
She wont let me sign off my parental rights,she wont absolve me of the financial end of it,and she is actually MAD AT ME,can you believe it?What is she mad at?She did this.She was told NOT TO HAVE A KID BY ME,she did it anyway,and now she's mad because I am doing EXACTLY what I told her I would do.She tied herself to me,no one told her to do this.(No one who had any real right to tell her to,anyway).
She screwed up royally,and the only person who doesn't suffer for it on a daily basis,is her.The kid has to wonder why he doesnt have a father,and I am completely miserable.It's got to the point where I am actually disappointed that I didn't die in the accident.Emily grew up knowing she was an accident.Her mother didn't want kids,was on birth control when she got pregnant,and made sure Emily knew she was an unwanted burden.So if for NO OTHER REASON,knowing I wasn't going to have anything to do with the situation,she shouldn't have had him out of consideration for him.Also,if she was able to convince Brian that the kid was,in fact,his,I am SURE I wouldn't even know the kid existed.She dragged me into it SOLELY to save face,and so she didn't look like the dip shit,whore that she is.She is a worthless waste of life.She can't cook,doesn't clean,does as little as possible,and lets other people handle as much as they will,so she doesn't have to do it.She SUCKS(or doesn't suck as the case may be) in bed,I figured,if it was worth the effort,I could teach her,but it wasn't worth it,so I didn't bother.And those are most of the reasons that she is still,and probably always will be single,and the last person she had in bed was me over 5 years ago.I am not saying this to be mean,I'm saying it because it's true.And she wonders what my issue could possibly be,why I don't want her.As I said,I did my best to stay away from her,and SHE SOUGHT ME OUT,so whatever.

So that is my story,I'm sorry if it offends some people,but like I said,she's going around making me look bad to everyone,and she has destroyed MY life because she doesn't want to deal (by herself) with a decision she made (by herself).

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